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codedeploy error2

[AWS] CodeDeploy Error - The overall deployment failed because too many individual instances failed deployment, too few healthy instances are available for deployment, or some instances in your deployment group are experiencing problems. CodeDeploy 사용 시 Install 단계에서 다음과 같은 에러가 나면서 더이상 진행되지 않았다. The overall deployment failed because too many individual instances failed deployment, too few healthy instances are available for deployment, or some instances in your deployment group are experiencing problems. 공식 홈페이지에서는 codedeploy-agent 가 실행되고 있는지 확인해보라고 나와있다. sudo service codedeploy-agent status codedeploy-agent 는 작동을 잘하고 있었기 때문에 이에 .. 2022. 5. 26.
[AWS] The overall deployment failed because too many individual instances failed deployment, too few healthy instances are available for deployment, or some instances in your deployment group are experiencing problems. CodeDeploy 에서 배포 시작시 생긴 에러였다. 먼저 EC2에 CodeDeploy 에이전트가 인스턴스에 설치 되어 있는지 확인한다. sudo service codedeploy-agent status 설치가 안되어 있으면 CodeDeploy Agent 를 설치한다. sudo yum update --skip-broken sudo yum install ruby sudo yum install wget #wget https://[bucket-name].s3.[region-identifier].amazonaws.com/latest/install wget https://aws-codedeploy-ap-northeast-2.s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/latest/install chm.. 2022. 4. 29.